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Basic Missions (Japanese: シンプルクエスト, Simple Quest) are a type of mission in Xenoblade Chronicles X. They are received at the Mission Control board on the BLADE Concourse, have simple objectives, and do not count towards survey completion. There are a total of 366 Basic Missions. They are divided into three types:

  • Social missions simply require the party to talk to specific NPCs. Some of these lead to a specific Story, Affinity, or Normal Mission.
  • Gathering missions require the party to collect a number of a specific material or collectible, or to find a specific important item.
  • Bounty missions require the party to hunt a number of a given enemy.

Basic Missions are unlocked as the player's BLADE Level increases. Other prerequisites can include story progress, mission completion, and survey completion.

The Mission Control console does not list all available Basic Missions at once. Instead it displays a subset of these, chosen randomly from the ones currently available, and can change each time the menu is opened. Missions that have been accepted and are in progress are always listed; any remaining spaces are filled with missions that have never been completed, followed by completed missions that can be repeated.

Up to twenty Basic Missions can be accepted and in progress at once. They can be abandoned at Mission Control if the player wishes to accept other missions.

Each Basic Mission has a Difficulty rating, represented by stars. Large stars have a value of five, and small stars have a value of one. This rating gives a rough indication of the strength of the enemy to be fought or the rarity of the requested items.

Some Basic Missions guide the party to specific Story, Affinity, or Normal Missions, but typically are not prerequisites for them. These have no rewards, are not repeatable, and can be missed if the corresponding mission is started without accepting the Basic Mission, but their completion is recorded in the mission log.


These Social missions lead to a location where a Normal, Affinity, or Story Mission can be received. They have no BLADE Level requirement and do not offer any rewards of their own. The summary and objective typically say to report or talk to the client. In many cases the Basic Mission is not a prerequisite for the indicated mission, and exists only to help the player find it.

Mission Difficulty Chapter Prereq Other Prereqs Leads to Mission
Leafy Learning 1★ Chapter 3 Noctilum survey 15% Forest Foray
New Orders (Chapter 4) 2★ Chapter 3 Chapter 4 not started Chapter 4
Backup Request (Phog) 1★ Chapter 4 Foggy Dilemma
Find the Freighter 1★ Chapter 4 A Proper Chopper
Guinea Pigs Wanted! 1★ Chapter 4 ? Weaponized
New Orders (Chapter 5) 3★ Chapter 4 Chapter 5 not started Chapter 5
A Covert Rescue 1★ Chapter 5 Oblivia survey 40% Prone Sweet Prone
Backup Request (Bozé) 1★ Chapter 5 ? The Mad Monk
Calling All Testers! 1★ Chapter 5 That's In-Credible!
New Orders (Chapter 6) 4★ Chapter 5 Chapter 6 not started Chapter 6
Securing Our Safety 1★ Chapter 5 Water Woes
Skell Maintenance 1★ Chapter 5 The Pip-Squeak
The Rescue Request 1★ Chapter 5 Prone Sweet Prone Tree-mendous
Miranium for Fun and Profit 1★ Chapter 6 Planetary Pioneer (Part III) The Membership
New Orders (Chapter 7) 4★ Chapter 6 Chapter 7 not started Chapter 7
Skell License (mission) 1★ Chapter 6 The Skell License
The Scars of War 5★ Chapter 6 Prone Sweet Prone A Grim Undertaking
Top-Secret Mission (Julius) 1★ Chapter 6 Noctilum survey 30% Rescue at the Ensconced Citadel
A Concerned Citizen 1★ Chapter 7 Alien Nation
A Practice Partner 1★ Chapter 7 Prone Sweet Prone Training Day
Ambush (XCX) 1★ Chapter 7 Suriella registered Attack on Biahno Hills
Anomaly Analysis 1★ Chapter 7 Circle of Life Going Viral
Buddies on the Brink 1★ Chapter 7 A Dubious Operation
Dead Men Tell No Tales
The Voltant Visionary
Departure's Eve 1★ Chapter 7 Sun'celeg Rises The Journey Begins
In Need of a Hand 1★ Chapter 7 Dead Men Tell No Tales A Dubious Operation
New Orders (Chapter 8) 5★ Chapter 7 Chapter 8 not started Chapter 8
Rendezvous at the Lab! 1★ Chapter 7 Mystery Man Professor B's Return
Scouting in Secret 1★ Chapter 7 Primordia survey 50% Dead Men Tell No Tales
Tech Supply 1★ Chapter 7 Circle of Life
Lakeside Getaway
Good Neighbors
The Search for Kun'luarb 1★ Chapter 7 The Journey Begins
Water Woes
Circle of Life
Find My Doc! 1★ Chapter 8 The Miracle Maker Rites of Ruin
New Orders (Chapter 9) 5★ Chapter 8 Chapter 9 not started Chapter 9
Escort Requested 1★ Chapter 9 Shotgun Diplomacy The Line of Fire
Flight Module 1★ Chapter 9 A Girl's Wings
Misery of Moimoi! 1★ Chapter 9 Setting Forth Muimui's Meltdown
New Orders (Chapter 10) 6★ Chapter 9 Chapter 10 not started Chapter 10
Top-Secret Mission (Stella) 1★ Chapter 9 Prone Sweet Prone Cavern Crushers
Tree Lovers Only 1★ Chapter 9 Circle of Life
Prone Sweet Prone
Noctilum survey 45%
Herbivores, Unite!
A Miranium Problem 1★ Chapter 10 No-show Nen'celeg
Planetary Pioneer (Part IV)
Orphean Pluck
A Question of Causes 1★ Chapter 10 Waste Not, Want Not Turf War
In Support of Science 1★ Chapter 10 BFFs
Circle of Life
Prone Sweet Prone
The Bug Whisperer
New Orders (Chapter 11) 6★ Chapter 10 Chapter 11 not started Chapter 11
Settling the Score 1★ Chapter 10 The Line of Fire Alex's Last Stand
Team Corwin in Crisis 1★ Chapter 10 Frontier Spirit Unknown Assailant
The Call to Counterattack 1★ Chapter 10 Attack on Biahno Hills
Rites of Ruin
Alex's Last Stand
Good Fortun
Under the Weather 1★ Chapter 10 Rescue at the Ensconced Citadel House Call
Wanted: Miranium Expert 1★ Chapter 10 A Challenger Approaches
Orphean Pluck
Wrothian Innovation
Weapons Cleanup Crew 1★ Chapter 10 Waste Not, Want Not
New Orders (Chapter 12) 7★ Chapter 11 Chapter 12 not started Chapter 12
Partner Wanted! 1★ Chapter 11 Bread and a Circus The Sword of Legendaryness
The Final Faceoff 1★ Chapter 11 Professor B's Return
Good Fortun
Definian Downfall
Top-Secret Mission (Lara Mara) 1★ Chapter 11 Waste Not, Want Not White Lifehold
A President Not Present 1★ Chapter 12 Definian Downfall
Professor B's Return
Hailing the Chief! 1★ Chapter 12 Mia is Missing! Mia Grows Up
One Little Problem 1★ Chapter 12 Snipe Hunt
Search Support Request 1★ Chapter 12 Lionhearted Cooking Schooled

Other Basic Missions by Chapter[]


Important Items

Chapter 2 completed[]

Mission Difficulty Prereqs Objective
A Clandestine Operation 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Crush Ring ×5
Acorn... Abacuses? 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Acorn Abacus ×3
Archibolt, the Revolutionary (mission) 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Archibolt, the Revolutionary
Arms Testers Wanted (Titanium Knife II) 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Creeping Blatta ×4
Behold the Cranjelly 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Cranjelly ×4
Miranium Request (Integrated Plant Developer) 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Miranium ×1,200
Miranium Request (Miranium Researcher) 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Miranium ×700
Partners in Pearls 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Sanelac Pearl ×4
Rabbit Research 2★ BLADE Lv. 1 Zizi Rabbit ×3
Sirene, the Lost (mission) 2★ BLADE Lv. 1 Sirene, the Lost
Suid Sirloin 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Suid Fillet ×1
Suid Sweep (Brass) 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Brass Suid ×4
A New Taste Sensation 2★ BLADE Lv. 2 Ajira Melon ×8
Adsecula Extermination (Shadow) 3★ BLADE Lv. 2 Shadow Adsecula ×6
Arms Testers Wanted (Soldier Avagar) 2★ BLADE Lv. 2 Nocturnal Vesper ×4
Clean and Green 2★ BLADE Lv. 2 Cleansing Moss ×1
Elusive Orewood 2★ BLADE Lv. 2 Arnacian Orewood ×2
Hazmat Hunt 3★ BLADE Lv. 2 Auroran Bone ×2
Miranium Request (Male Mechanic) 2★ BLADE Lv. 2 Miranium ×1,800
Offing Ovis (Docile) 3★ BLADE Lv. 2 Docile Ovis ×6
Roderick, the Fleet-Footed (mission) 2★ BLADE Lv. 2 Roderick, the Fleet-Footed
Skell Repair: Balancer 1★ BLADE Lv. 2 Broken Pincer ×5
Tourteau, the Delectable (mission) 2★ BLADE Lv. 2 Tourteau, the Delectable
A Repairman's Resolve 5★ BLADE Lv. 3 High Accelerator ×7
An Ancient Mystery 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Ancient Allure ×6
Casper, the Unhealthy Eater (mission) 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Casper, the Unhealthy Eater
Hephaestus, the Absconder (mission) 3★ BLADE Lv. 3 Hephaestus, the Absconder
Mesgen, the Fairweathered (mission) 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Mesgen, the Fairweathered
Miranium Request (Sakuraba Worker) 3★ BLADE Lv. 3 Miranium ×2,400
Primordian Cavern Crawl 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Grinding Squirrel ×11
The Fearsome Placid Duoguill 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Placid Duoguill ×2
Bloodsuckers 5★ BLADE Lv. 4 Ball Mosquito ×10
Papil Punisher (Lake) 6★ BLADE Lv. 4 Lake Papil ×7
Squashing Scirpos (Jade) 5★ BLADE Lv. 4 Jade Scirpo ×5
Xenotech Research 6★ BLADE Lv. 4 T-ray Light ×4
Dieter, the Epicure (mission) 6★ BLADE Lv. 5 Dieter, the Epicure
Plucking Auravises (Reaver) 7★ BLADE Lv. 5 Reaver Auravis ×2
Ridill, the Arrogant (mission) 7★ BLADE Lv. 5 Ridill, the Arrogant
Talk of the Town 7★ BLADE Lv. 5 Mirage Scope ×9
The Jewelmonger (Lepyx Sunstones) 7★ BLADE Lv. 5 Lepyx Sunstone ×2
A Moment of Brilliance 8★ BLADE Lv. 6 Sweet Nerine ×10
A Precious Legacy 7★ BLADE Lv. 6 Centrifugal Beam Generator ×11
Aprica Assault 10★ BLADE Lv. 6 Daylight Aprica ×2
Bogdan, the Dense (mission) 8★ BLADE Lv. 6 Bogdan, the Dense
Can't Make an Omelet… 8★ BLADE Lv. 6 Meaty Evello Egg ×3
Ictus Infestation (Inferno) 5★ BLADE Lv. 6 Inferno Ictus ×3
Indigen Investigation (Slimy Tongues) 6★ BLADE Lv. 6 Slimy Tongue ×10
Laying Lophids Low (Ocean) 5★ BLADE Lv. 6 Ocean Lophid ×3
Miranium Request (Waterworks Chief) 4★ BLADE Lv. 6 Miranium ×3,600
Mortifole Mulching (Pit) 8★ BLADE Lv. 6 Pit Mortifole ×4
Sundering Saltats (Viridian) 8★ BLADE Lv. 6 Viridian Saltat ×4
Indigen Investigation (Muscled Simius Bulges) 8★ BLADE Lv. 7 Muscled Simius Bulge ×3
Mincing Millesaurs 9★ BLADE Lv. 7 Everlasting Millesaur ×2
Hayreddin, the Territorial (mission) 9★ BLADE Lv. 8 Hayreddin, the Territorial
Miranium Request (Xeno Anthropologist) 8★ BLADE Lv. 8 Miranium ×9,300
Persimmons, Please! 7★ BLADE Lv. 8 Shido Persimmon ×13
Caesar, the Hundred-Eyed (mission) 10★ BLADE Lv. 9 Caesar, the Hundred-Eyed
Squashing Scirpos (Native) 10★ BLADE Lv. 10 Native Scirpo ×5
Off the Record (archaeological) 10★ Archaeological Lv.4 see mission for details
Off the Record (biological) 10★ Biological Lv.4 see mission for details
Off the Record (mechanical) 10★ Mechanical Lv.4 see mission for details

Chapter 3 completed[]

Mission Difficulty Prereqs Objective
Blatta Splatter (Rust) 5★ BLADE Lv. 1 Rust Blatta ×4
Blatta Splatter (Zeppelin) 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Zeppelin Blatta ×3
Desdemona, the Subterranean (mission) 2★ BLADE Lv. 1 Desdemona, the Subterranean
Evello Eradication 2★ BLADE Lv. 1 Wasteland Evello ×5
From Idea to Inventory (Opaque Mirrors) 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Opaque Mirror ×2
Germivores No More (Echo) 5★ BLADE Lv. 1 Echo Germivore ×8
Indigen Investigation (Golden Mortifole Feathers) 2★ BLADE Lv. 1 Golden Mortifole Feather ×2
Marry Me! 8★ BLADE Lv. 1 ♦ Natural Pearl ×10
Melanya, the Sound Sleeper (mission) 2★ BLADE Lv. 1 Melanya, the Sound Sleeper
Mortifole Mulching (Lake) 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Lake Mortifole ×5
Offing Ovis (White) 4★ BLADE Lv. 1 White Ovis ×5
Partners in Prototyping (Blue Forfex Shell) 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Blue Forfex Shell ×1
Partners in Prototyping (Glowing Retinas) 4★ BLADE Lv. 1 Glowing Retina ×2
Skell Repair: Optics 5★ BLADE Lv. 1 Shrad Eye ×3
Squashing Scirpos (Amrita) 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Amrita Scirpo ×5
The Fail Parade 2★ BLADE Lv. 1 Sea Anemone Platter ×3
The Next Big Thing (Scirpo Silk) 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Scirpo Silk ×1
Thinning the Thalluses (Recluse) 1★ BLADE Lv. 1 Recluse Thallus ×3
A History Lesson 3★ BLADE Lv. 2 Sandstone Etching ×8
A Spicy New Spark 4★ BLADE Lv. 2 Charged Cayenne ×5
Celedonio, the Battle-Tested (mission) 2★ BLADE Lv. 2 Celedonio, the Battle-Tested
Dirty Work 4★ BLADE Lv. 2 Zalon Dirt ×3
Edgardo, the Carefree (mission) 3★ BLADE Lv. 2 Edgardo, the Carefree
Fending Off Forfexes (Cobalt) 4★ BLADE Lv. 2 Cobalt Forfex ×3
From Idea to Inventory (Beryl Aetrygon Horn) 1★ BLADE Lv. 2 Beryl Aetrygon Horn ×1
Gaga for Guavas 3★ BLADE Lv. 2 Socha Guava ×7
Indigen Investigation (Saltat Horn) 1★ BLADE Lv. 2 Saltat Horn ×1
Lilting Lilies 3★ BLADE Lv. 2 Lea Lily ×6
Offing Ovis (Prowler) 3★ BLADE Lv. 2 Prowler Ovis ×6
Popular Peppers 4★ BLADE Lv. 2 Will Pepper ×3
Reclaiming the Whale (Cordless Transformers) 4★ BLADE Lv. 2 Cordless Transformer ×5
Reclaiming the Whale (Gesture Gloves) 3★ BLADE Lv. 2 Gesture Glove ×6
Schneider, the Cliffpercher (mission) 2★ BLADE Lv. 2 Schneider, the Cliffpercher
The Skell Spectrum 4★ BLADE Lv. 2 Exalting Paint ×3
Yune, the Ambusher (mission) 5★ BLADE Lv. 2 Yune, the Ambusher
A Crickety Cure 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Glassy Cricket ×3
A Look at Lichen 3★ BLADE Lv. 3 Tectinsula Back Moss ×2
Arms Testers Wanted (Chrome Shield) 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Spring Unafulge ×5
Arms Testers Wanted (Warrior Dual Guns) 5★ BLADE Lv. 3 Thulium Petramand ×4
Arms Testers Wanted (Warrior Raygun) 3★ BLADE Lv. 3 Raging Simius ×2
Eliane, the Unmoved (mission) 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Eliane, the Unmoved
Filter Testing 3★ BLADE Lv. 3 Transparent Membrane ×5
Finding Morrows Today 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Flowering Morrow Fern ×5
From Idea to Inventory (Aprica Back Moss) 3★ BLADE Lv. 3 Aprica Back Moss ×2
Glamor Girl 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Queen's Rapture ×5
Lost Memento 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 ♦ Locket ×1
Oskar, the Summer Squall (mission) 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Oskar, the Summer Squall
Papil Punisher (Sorcerer) 5★ BLADE Lv. 3 Sorcerer Papil ×5
Pounding Puges (Porter) 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Porter Puge ×3
Taming Tectinsulas 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Clay Tectinsula ×7
The Jewelmonger (Giant Blue Pearls) 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Giant Blue Pearl ×2
The Next Big Thing (Petramand Black Silk) 5★ BLADE Lv. 3 Black Petramand Silk ×2
The Scrubdown 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Hard Pom Pom ×3
Xenotech Survey 4★ BLADE Lv. 3 Hexagauge ×4
Alfombra, the Transcendent (mission) 5★ BLADE Lv. 4 Alfombra, the Transcendent
Culling Caecuses (Thug) 5★ BLADE Lv. 4 Thug Caecus ×4
De-stressing Delicacy 5★ BLADE Lv. 4 Yaya Sesame ×4
Indigen Investigation (Moving Thallus Tails) 4★ BLADE Lv. 4 Moving Thallus Tail ×3
Lab Rat Run 5★ BLADE Lv. 4 Denemozumi Mouse ×8
Mephite Mayhem 4★ BLADE Lv. 4 Stray Mephite ×6
Party Procurement 4★ BLADE Lv. 4 Shooting Firefly ×4
Productivity Power-Up 4★ BLADE Lv. 4 3D Printer ×4
Skell Repair: Arm 4★ BLADE Lv. 4 Terebra Oil Grease ×3
Sundering Saltats (Jocular) 5★ BLADE Lv. 4 Jocular Saltat ×2
The Next Big Thing (Shimmering Silk) 4★ BLADE Lv. 4 Shimmering Silk ×3
Thick-Skinned 4★ BLADE Lv. 4 Hard Skin ×4
Vanquishing Visigels 5★ BLADE Lv. 4 Coast Visigel ×4
Yessenia, the Husky-Voiced (mission) 4★ BLADE Lv. 4 Yessenia, the Husky-Voiced
A Hard Pill to Swallow 5★ BLADE Lv. 5 ♦ Violet Crystal ×1
Adsecula Extermination (Sparrow) 4★ BLADE Lv. 5 Sparrow Adsecula ×4
Aria, the Zauberflöte (mission) 6★ BLADE Lv. 5 Aria, the Zauberflöte
Arms Testers Wanted (Ophidian Psylans) 6★ BLADE Lv. 5 Spear Insidia ×3
Asana, the Azure Star (mission) 5★ BLADE Lv. 5 Asana, the Azure Star
Axing Falsaxum 5★ BLADE Lv. 5 Lake Falsaxum ×6
Emergency Stores 6★ BLADE Lv. 5 Katoan Leaf ×10
From Idea to Inventory (Fine Aprica Wood) 6★ BLADE Lv. 5 Fine Aprica Wood ×2
Garlic 2.0 5★ BLADE Lv. 5 Shinuyuni Garlic ×10
Laying Lophids Low (Blazing) 5★ BLADE Lv. 5 Blazing Lophid ×5
Ludvik, the Picky Eater (mission) 5★ BLADE Lv. 5 Ludvik, the Picky Eater
Mikulas, the Keystone (mission) 5★ BLADE Lv. 5 Mikulas, the Keystone
Octo-suka Leg Surprise 5★ BLADE Lv. 5 Octo-suka ×12
Recycled Octopi 6★ BLADE Lv. 5 Octopus Regulator ×4
Rocky Research 5★ BLADE Lv. 5 Grandan Rock ×4
Skell Repair: Frame 5★ BLADE Lv. 5 Genuine Frame ×2
An Angelic Accessory 6★ BLADE Lv. 6 Angel Stone ×8
Data Recovery 6★ BLADE Lv. 6 ♦ Missing Drive ×1
From Idea to Inventory (Ornate Progen Horns) 7★ BLADE Lv. 6 Ornate Progen Horn ×2
Grex Wrecker 6★ BLADE Lv. 6 Scourer Grex ×6
Marnuck Masher (Soldier) 4★ BLADE Lv. 6 Marnuck Soldier ×4
Night Combat Puge (mission) 5★ BLADE Lv. 6 Night Combat Puge
Nixing Lepyxes 3★ BLADE Lv. 6
Pollen Lepyx ×3
Pounding Puges (Knight) 5★ BLADE Lv. 6 Knight Puge ×6
Rainbow Wingtips 5★ BLADE Lv. 6 Multicolor Murra Wing ×2
Ridding Insidias (Javelin) 6★ BLADE Lv. 6 Javelin Insidia ×6
Ridding Insidias (Vermilion) 6★ BLADE Lv. 6 Vermilion Insidia ×3
Scaling Up 10★ BLADE Lv. 6 Scales of Justice ×3
Shinhwa, the Sagacious (mission) 7★ BLADE Lv. 6 Shinhwa, the Sagacious
Shrad Shredder 5★ BLADE Lv. 6 Fleet Shrad ×5
Skell Repair: Cylinder 6★ BLADE Lv. 6 New Cylinder ×2
Skell Repair: Plunger 5★ BLADE Lv. 6 Reinforced Plunger ×3
Star Sand Seeker 5★ BLADE Lv. 6 ♦ Star Sand ×1
Suid Sweep (Forest) 4★ BLADE Lv. 6 Forest Suid ×5
Sviatoslav, the Reproachful (mission) 6★ BLADE Lv. 6 Sviatoslav, the Reproachful
The Jewelmonger (Gremlin Stone) 8★ BLADE Lv. 6 Gremlin Stone ×1
The Next Big Thing (Alluring Lophid Extract) 4★ BLADE Lv. 6 Alluring Lophid Extract ×3
The Taste of Tersqual 9★ BLADE Lv. 6 Tersqual Eel Kebab ×1
What's a Rocambole? 6★ BLADE Lv. 6 Gudo Rocambole ×7
What's a Taoman? 5★ BLADE Lv. 6 Taoman Acid ×5
A Probing Issue 6★ BLADE Lv. 7 ♦ Damaged Data Probe ×1
Arms Testers Wanted (Chromoly Parce) 7★ BLADE Lv. 7 Ancient Progen ×4
Culling Caecuses (Villainous) 6★ BLADE Lv. 7 Villainous Caecus ×5
Dawid, the Destrier (mission) 6★ BLADE Lv. 7 Dawid, the Destrier
Dobromila, the Alluring (mission) 6★ BLADE Lv. 7 Dobromila, the Alluring
Eddy, the Electric Heat (mission) 6★ BLADE Lv. 7 Eddy, the Electric Heat
Fending Off Forfexes (Native) 8★ BLADE Lv. 7 Native Forfex ×7
Germivores No More (Terrible) 8★ BLADE Lv. 7 Terrible Germivore ×5
Jacul Jaunt 6★ BLADE Lv. 7 Rocket Jacul ×4
Lockhart, the Killer of Hope (mission) 5★ BLADE Lv. 7 Lockhart, the Killer of Hope
Research on a Budget 8★ BLADE Lv. 7 Galjim Crystal ×8
Sadar, the Unhinged (mission) 5★ BLADE Lv. 7 Sadar, the Unhinged
Si-el, the Vacuous (mission) 8★ BLADE Lv. 7 Si-el, the Vacuous
Straight from the Heart 7★ BLADE Lv. 7 ♦ Heart Stone ×1
Sweet Maple Goodness 6★ BLADE Lv. 7 Maple Oil ×2
Tents by the Ton 6★ BLADE Lv. 7 Bogano Sleeping Bag ×6
The Emerian Battlegrounds 5★ BLADE Lv. 7 ♦ Emerian Relic ×1
Vittorio, the Battle-Scarred (mission) 7★ BLADE Lv. 7 Vittorio, the Battle-Scarred
Andrei, the Cunning (mission) 7★ BLADE Lv. 8 Andrei, the Cunning
Arms Testers Wanted (Cermet Blades) 8★ BLADE Lv. 8 Fearsome Ictus ×5
Arms Testers Wanted (Cermet Slair) 7★ BLADE Lv. 8 Erbium Petramand ×5
Bananaleaf Bonanza 9★ BLADE Lv. 8 Bananaleaf ×5
Dilus Destroyer 9★ BLADE Lv. 8 Merciful Dilus ×3
Ernest, the Contemplative (mission) 8★ BLADE Lv. 8 Ernest, the Contemplative
Ictus Infestation (Warlord) 7★ BLADE Lv. 8 Warlord Ictus ×6
Izgnanie, the Smoldering (mission) 7★ BLADE Lv. 8 Izgnanie, the Smoldering
Prinsipe, the Ravenous (mission) 7★ BLADE Lv. 8 Prinsipe, the Ravenous
Pugilith Pounder 8★ BLADE Lv. 8 Broadsword Pugilith ×5
Reclaiming the Whale (5th Gen Recyclers) 8★ BLADE Lv. 8 5th Gen Recycler ×5
Skell Repair: Antenna 7★ BLADE Lv. 8 Ziggian Long Antennae ×2
Skell Repair: Thruster 7★ BLADE Lv. 8 Advanced Thruster ×2
The Poshest Produce 7★ BLADE Lv. 8 Emerald Grape ×7
Turba Tracker 7★ BLADE Lv. 8 Gloam Turba ×6
A Spot of Gardening 9★ BLADE Lv. 9 Kyatara Onion ×15
Arms Testers Wanted (Carbide Saber) 9★ BLADE Lv. 9 Assault Launcher Zig ×1
Arms Testers Wanted (Delta Machine) 10★ BLADE Lv. 9 Fiendish Virago ×3
Arms Testers Wanted (Delta Retic) 9★ BLADE Lv. 9 Barbed Rook Qmoeva ×3
Barnabas, the Despot (mission) 9★ BLADE Lv. 9 Barnabas, the Despot
Coil, the Never-Ending (mission) 8★ BLADE Lv. 9 Coil, the Never-Ending
Covert Operations 8★ BLADE Lv. 9 Camocloak ×11
Eisen, the Ebon Rock (mission) 8★ BLADE Lv. 9 Eisen, the Ebon Rock
Extreme Pansies 8★ BLADE Lv. 9 Exploding Pansy ×17
From Idea to Inventory (Lucky Cervus Sapling) 9★ BLADE Lv. 9 Lucky Cervus Sapling ×1
Legacy of the White Whale 9★ BLADE Lv. 9 L-002 Degeneration Reactor ×4
Mount M'gando Mineralogy 8★ BLADE Lv. 9 ♦ Mount M'gando Stone ×1
Sarcosuchus, the Iron-Eater (mission) 10★ BLADE Lv. 9 Sarcosuchus, the Iron-Eater
Silvestre, the Morning Light (mission) 9★ BLADE Lv. 9 Silvestre, the Morning Light
Stola, the Unchained (mission) 8★ BLADE Lv. 9 Stola, the Unchained
Tersqual Takedown 9★ BLADE Lv. 9 Lively Tersqual ×5
The Next Big Thing (Distilled Sap) 10★ BLADE Lv. 9 Distilled Sap ×1
A Community Service 9★ BLADE Lv. 10 Cliord Oil ×6
Anselm, the Triumphant (mission) 9★ BLADE Lv. 10 Anselm, the Triumphant
Beating the Heat 10★ BLADE Lv. 10 Bogano Weed ×7
Candelario, the Bronze (mission) 9★ BLADE Lv. 10 Candelario, the Bronze
Gathering Grenades 9★ BLADE Lv. 10 Cluster Papaya ×5
Goliath, the Stronghold (mission) 10★ BLADE Lv. 10 Goliath, the Stronghold
Ictus Infestation (Hermit) 10★ BLADE Lv. 10 Hermit Ictus ×4
Juicy Analysis 10★ BLADE Lv. 10 Intelligent Liquid Metal ×8
Laurencio, the Fog Bow (mission) 10★ BLADE Lv. 10 Laurencio, the Fog Bow
Petramand Patrol (Malium) 10★ BLADE Lv. 10 Malium Petramand ×8
Petramand Patrol (Terbium) 10★ BLADE Lv. 10 Terbium Petramand ×4
Plucking Auravises (Tempest) 10★ BLADE Lv. 10 Tempest Auravis ×7
Skell Repair: Head 9★ BLADE Lv. 10 Galdr Head ×1
The Jewelmonger (Hidden Cantor Hoard) 10★ BLADE Lv. 10 Hidden Cantor Hoard ×1
Vainamo, the Bellower (mission) 9★ BLADE Lv. 10 Vainamo, the Bellower
Vortice, the Deific Blast (mission) 10★ BLADE Lv. 10
A Girl's Wings
Vortice, the Deific Blast

Chapter 4 completed[]

Mission Difficulty Prereqs Objective
Partners in Prototyping (Insidia Mohawks) 4★ BLADE Lv. 4 Insidia Mohawk ×2
Engrossed in Grosium 6★ BLADE Lv. 5 Grosium Core ×3
Miranium Request (Meredith Worker) 5★ BLADE Lv. 5 Miranium ×4,000
Partners in Prototyping (Vivohast Crescent Hooks) 5★ BLADE Lv. 5 Vivohast Crescent Hook ×2
A Little Protection 4★ BLADE Lv. 6
Whip Scorpion ×4
Megajolt Rattle and Roll 4★ BLADE Lv. 6 Megajolt Rattle ×7

Chapter 5 completed[]

Mission Difficulty Prereqs Objective
Search Request (Primordia) 1★ BLADE Lv. 1
Nine Lives
Lost dog in Primordia
No Friends Like Nopon 3★ BLADE Lv. 2
Babaco Leaf ×12
A New Audience 5★ BLADE Lv. 3 US-X Space Suit ×6
Angelita, the Blade Bouquet (mission) 5★ BLADE Lv. 4
Angelita, the Blade Bouquet
Must-Have Blobs 5★ BLADE Lv. 4
Loathsome Blob ×7
Standing Tall(er) 4★ BLADE Lv. 4
Spine-O-Corrector ×10
Extreme Fluffiness 5★ BLADE Lv. 5
Green Simius Mane ×3
Nopon Culture 101 5★ BLADE Lv. 5
Dark Lantern ×5
A Scanner Scheme 7★ BLADE Lv. 6
Voltant Scanner ×3
And Stay Out! 5★ BLADE Lv. 6
Odorous Tentacle ×3
Camille, the Immortal (mission) 8★ BLADE Lv. 6
Camille, the Immortal
Clemente, the Iron Meteor (mission) 6★ BLADE Lv. 6
Clemente, the Iron Meteor
Duoguill Duty 5★ BLADE Lv. 6
Thunder Duoguill ×4
Ferdinand, the Fortuitous (mission) 4★ BLADE Lv. 6
Ferdinand, the Fortuitous
In Search of New Horizons 7★ BLADE Lv. 6
Logunie's Driftwood Boat ×7
Marnuck Masher (Aspirer) 3★ BLADE Lv. 6
Marnuck Aspirer ×6
Miranium Request (Male Ma-non) 7★ BLADE Lv. 6 Miranium ×5,700
Murra Master 6★ BLADE Lv. 6
Hushed Murra ×5
Nopon Chest 6★ BLADE Lv. 6
Starmaker ×5
Partners in Prototyping (Adsecula Oil Drops) 6★ BLADE Lv. 6 Adsecula Oil Drop ×3
Purgovent Purge 2★ BLADE Lv. 6
Coral Purgovent ×5
Search Request (Oblivia) 6★ BLADE Lv. 6
Nine Lives
Lost cat in Oblivia
The Care Package 8★ BLADE Lv. 6
Cloudy Eyeball ×3
The Herbalist 10★ BLADE Lv. 6
Prone Sweet Prone
Charupa Leaves ×4
Thinning the Thalluses (False) 7★ BLADE Lv. 6
False Thallus ×3
Vilem, the Gold-Scaled (mission) 9★ BLADE Lv. 6
Vilem, the Gold-Scaled
In a Jam 9★ BLADE Lv. 7
A Girl's Wings
Jelly Weeds ×1
Lambert, the Divine Wind (mission) 9★ BLADE Lv. 7
Lambert, the Divine Wind
Preparations for War 7★ BLADE Lv. 7
Prone Sweet Prone
Warbone ×6
Search Request (Noctilum) 8★ BLADE Lv. 7
Nine Lives
Lost cat in Noctilum
The Stick 7★ BLADE Lv. 7
Auravis Croaking Bag ×2
Fell Fashion 5★ BLADE Lv. 8 Shimmering Skin ×11
Ramus, the Supersonic (mission) 7★ BLADE Lv. 8
A Girl's Wings
Ramus, the Supersonic
Simius Smackdown 9★ BLADE Lv. 8
Mortal Simius ×5
Test Data Retrieval 9★ BLADE Lv. 8 ♦ New-Weapon Remains ×1
A Desert Deferred 8★ BLADE Lv. 9
Prone Sweet Prone
Planter ×12
Aeviter Ace 8★ BLADE Lv. 9
Sand Aeviter ×4
Lending a Hand 8★ BLADE Lv. 9
Oc-serv Hand ×3
New Product! 9★ BLADE Lv. 9
Nightmare Pineapple ×4
The Carrot 9★ BLADE Lv. 9
Amber Dilus Eye ×1
The Endless Ring 9★ BLADE Lv. 9
Ouroboros Bracelet ×6
The Phantasmagoric Fan 8★ BLADE Lv. 9
Green Jacul Wing ×2
A Hero's Welcome 10★ BLADE Lv. 10
Drum of Valor ×9
Bottomless Baggage 10★ BLADE Lv. 10
Thick Coronid Hide ×1
Miranium Request (Nopon CG Buyer) 10★ BLADE Lv. 10
Miranium ×12,000
Search Request (Cauldros) 10★ BLADE Lv. 10
Nine Lives
Lost dog in Cauldros
Sumptuous Sleeping 10★ BLADE Lv. 10
Eternal Moss ×10
Ya-rhat, the Thundercloud (mission) 10★ BLADE Lv. 10
Ya-rhat, the Thundercloud
House of Cards 5★ Yardley's Scheme Keycard
Miranium Exchange (10K credits) 5★ The Membership not cleared Miranium ×10,000

Chapter 6 completed[]

Mission Difficulty Prereqs Objective
Coolest of the Cool 5★ BLADE Lv. 4 Sharp Germivore Jaw ×3
Miranium Exchange (20K credits) 5★ The Membership cleared
The Silver Membership not cleared
Miranium ×10,000
Miranium Exchange (50K credits) 5★ The Silver Membership cleared
The Gold Membership not cleared
Miranium ×10,000

Chapter 7 completed[]

Mission Difficulty Prereqs Objective
A New Flavor 5★ BLADE Lv. 6
Circle of Life
Iron Akebi Fruit ×3
Miranium Request (Orphean) 8★ BLADE Lv. 6
Circle of Life
Miranium ×7,000
The Voltant Void 4★ BLADE Lv. 6
Dead Men Tell No Tales
Belzadozebu Scallions ×2
A New Spark 7★ BLADE Lv. 8
Circle of Life
Rogebra Shockstone ×9
Ovah Overdrive 9★ BLADE Lv. 8
Circle of Life
Garudo Pellionia Minima ×5
Partners in Prototyping (Ingrown Virago Claw) 8★ BLADE Lv. 8
Professor B's Return
Ingrown Virago Claw ×1
A Novel Proposal 10★ BLADE Lv. 9
Dead Men Tell No Tales
Tractor Beetle ×24
Incomprehensible Weapon 10★ BLADE Lv. 10
Professor B's Return
Brilliant Green Liquid ×19
Partners in Prototyping (Quality Vigent Claw) 10★ BLADE Lv. 10
Circle of Life
Quality Vigent Claw ×1

Chapter 9 completed[]

Mission Difficulty Prereqs Objective
Miranium Exchange (75K credits) 5★ The Gold Membership cleared
The Platinum Membership not cleared
Miranium ×10,000

Chapter 10 completed[]

Mission Difficulty Prereqs Objective
A Revised Regimen 10★ BLADE Lv. 6
A Challenger Approaches
Mega Muscle Builder ×12
Gathering Thunder 8★ BLADE Lv. 6
A Challenger Approaches
Thunderbolt Emblem ×6
Partners in Prototyping (Thick Cinicula Horns) 10★ BLADE Lv. 8
A Challenger Approaches
Thick Cinicula Horn ×5
Search Request (Sylvalum) 7★ BLADE Lv. 8
A Girl's Wings
Nine Lives
Lost dog in Sylvalum
The Ultimate Pursuit 8★ BLADE Lv. 8
Circle of Life
Dobobora Broccoli ×3

Chapter 12 completed[]

Mission Difficulty Prereqs Objective
Miranium Exchange (100K credits) 5★ The Platinum Membership cleared Miranium ×10,000