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Boreas (Japanese: イダテン, Idaten) is a Rare Blade in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. He can grant tremendous power to his Drivers, Rex, Nia, Zeke or Mòrag, and their allies. Boreas uses the wind element, wields a Bitball, and acts as a Healer in battle. Boreas is a plump white, purple and charcoal creature, looking both cute and strange. He has a mouth on his stomach, and appears to be able to grow larger arms and detach his head at will. His speech mannerisms and "Nopon Wisdom" field skill suggests he is based on the Nopon.

Boreas was designed by the artist I-IV (アイフォー, Aifō, Ai Four, also known as Longman and Longman I-IV), a designer for the Aldnoah.Zero anime series.


Boreas is childlike in mannerism and loves to eat, to the point where he will lick party members to see if they taste good. He is easily upset if anything prevents him from eating and has the unique ability to travel as fast as the wind, which he uses sometimes accidentally if he loses his temper.


Boreas is huge and spherical, with a small, long-eared, nopon-like "head" on top of his "body". He has stubby legs and arms similar to nopon wings, and the main bulk of his body can swing open to reveal a huge toothed mouth which he can stuff food into at great speed. He is mostly grey, with a paler stomach and head and blue ether lines running across him. His core crystal is blue and shaped like a bell.

Heart-to-heart and Blade Quest[]

Hero of the Nopon

Boreas during his Blade Quest

Boreas' Heart-to-Heart, "Boreas the Gourmand", takes place outside Coedwig Inn between Boreas, his Driver, and Tora. In it Tora awakens to find Boreas eating, and decrees that they should go and have breakfast at a place recommended by the innkeeper. Boreas is reluctant and evasive, insisting he doesn't want to eat there, and eventually tells his companions that he has already eaten everything on their menu before the others woke up.

Boreas' Blade Quest, Hero of the Nopon, can be activated after unlocking Boreas' level 5 Key Affinity reward by filling his snack stashes with food. Upon returning to the Goldmouth Warehouse after a mushroom eating competition with Tora, Boreas discovers to his horror that his entire stash has been stolen by Yumyum the Burglar. Upon confronting Yumyum, Boreas is offered a thieving challenge to win back the hearts of Nopon enamored with Boreas' ability to consume food. In his rage at his food being stolen Boreas rushes out and returns with Gianluca's statue, with the party having no idea where the statue came from. After returning the statue, Yumyum offers three objectives: Boreas must steal a Shimmering Feather, Niall's Underwear and the Bloomshroom, all of which he does with ease. Yumyum admits defeat and Boreas happily eats the Bloomshroom as a final prize as adoring Nopon look on.


Blade Specials[]

  • Lv. 1 - Open Wide! - Cover your whole body with wind ether and charge.
  • Lv. 2 - Snack On This! - Chew a Bitball and shoot out balls of energy.
  • Lv. 3 - Gobble 'em Up! - Shoot out a laser while in the air and eradicate your enemies.
  • Lv. 4 - Gobble Gobble! - Jump after a spinning attack to fire a hail of bullets.

Blade Arts[]

Battle Skills[]

  • Tasty Snack - Heals party for 40-60% when defeating an enemy.
  • Look Out! - Increases evasion rate by 13-45% when Affinity is at max.
  • Twang! - Adds 30-50% chance of Knockback when attacked by an enemy.

Field Skills[]

  • Nopon Wisdom - Lv. 3
  • Salvaging Mastery - Lv. 3
  • Fleet of Foot - Lv. 3 (Skill exclusive to Boreas)

 Favorite Items[]

Affinity Chart[]

Boreas' Key Affinity Rewards are unlocked by filling Boreas's Food Stash in Goldmouth Warehouse with various food-type Pouch items.

Type Name Skill Level Affinity Level Effect Prerequisite Count Flavor Text
Key Affinity Reward 1 1 Unlocks level 1 of the Affinity Chart.
2 2 Unlocks level 2 of the Affinity Chart. Go to Goldmouth Warehouse in Argentum and fill the food stash with cooked food 100 "That's the pantry stuffed!"
3 3 Unlocks level 3 of the Affinity Chart. Affinity bond will be easier to sustain. Go to Goldmouth Warehouse in Argentum and fill the food stash with desserts 100 "I got the goods... The sweet, sweet goods..."
4 4 Unlocks level 4 of the Affinity Chart. Go to Goldmouth Warehouse in Argentum and fill the food stash with plant-based food 100 "Yum! I got a load of super-nutritious, wholesome grub!"
5 5 Unlocks level 5 of the Affinity Chart. Go to Goldmouth Warehouse in Argentum and fill the food stash with interesting drinks 100 "I think I collected a pretty intriguing selection of drinks there. Gulp!"
Blade Special Open Wide! 1 1 Absorbs 60% of critical damage dealt as HP
2 2 Absorbs 70% of critical damage dealt as HP Use staple foods 1 "For little Nopon I suggest a Juicy Samod!"
3 3 Absorbs 80% of critical damage dealt as HP Use staple foods 4 "For the pretty Blade, I recommend Poached Fruit Samod!"
4 4 Absorbs 90% of critical damage dealt as HP Use staple foods 4 "For the Blade who suits spectacles, I recommend Fried Octomayo!"
5 5 Absorbs 100% of critical damage dealt as HP Use staple foods 5 "Must be some more staple foods for me to try..."
Snack on This! 1 1 Restores 10% HP of damage dealt when a Special connects
2 2 Restores 12% HP of damage dealt when a Special connects Use seafood 1 "Dromarch really should try the Dried Sunfish!"
3 3 Restores 15% HP of damage dealt when a Special connects Use seafood 4 "That weird guy who thinks he's a king should try some Aromalocaris Sauté!"
4 4 Restores 17% HP of damage dealt when a Special connects Use seafood 4 "I recommend Fish and Herb Broth for an adventurous girl's tastebuds!"
5 5 Restores 20% HP of damage dealt when a Special connects Use seafood 5 "My hunt for the ultimate seafood never ends..."
Gobble 'em Up 1 1 When landing a hit, restores 30% of damage dealt to the whole party
2 2 When landing a hit, restores 35% of damage dealt to the whole party Use sweets 1 "Nia looks like she'd be into Cream Orange Paratha..."
3 3 When landing a hit, restores 40% of damage dealt to the whole party Use sweets 4 "A budding baker ought to try a Neon Grape Flan..."
4 4 When landing a hit, restores 45% of damage dealt to the whole party Use sweets 4 "A Sno-Bake Cheesecake for the ladies!"
5 5 When landing a hit, restores 50% of damage dealt to the whole party Use sweets 5 "Must search for the ultimate desserts..."
Battle Skill Tasty Snack 1 1 Heals party for 40% HP when defeating an enemy Use drinks 1 "My journey of food discovery is only just beginning!"
2 2 Heals party for 45% HP when defeating an enemy Use drinks 1 "For Pyra, recommend Jenerossi Tea!"
3 3 Heals party for 50% HP when defeating an enemy Use drinks 4 "A certain serious but oh-so-cool girl would suit Black Roast Coffee, I think."
4 4 Heals party for 55% HP when defeating an enemy Use drinks 4 "I'd recommend Indoline Tea for someone who loves their brew."
5 5 Heals party for 60% HP when defeating an enemy Use drinks 5 "Gotta find the best drinks..."
Look Out! 1 1 Increases evasion rate by 15% when Affinity is at max
2 2 Increases evasion rate by 23% when Affinity is at max Use vegetables 1 "For the master fencer, I recommend Vinaigrette Ice Cabbage!"
3 3 Increases evasion rate by 30% when Affinity is at max Use vegetables 4 "For the sister things, I recommend Steamed Veg Stralu!"
4 4 Increases evasion rate by 38% when Affinity is at max. Use vegetables 4 "Stuffed Meaty Carrot for Birdbrain..."
5 5 Increases evasion rate by 45% when Affinity is at max. Use vegetables 5 "Must find tasty Vegetables!"
Twang! 1 1 Adds 30% chance of Knockback when attacked by an enemy
2 2 Adds 35% chance of Knockback when attacked by an enemy Use meat 1 "For Rex, I recommend Pan-Fried Tartari!"
3 3 Adds 40% chance of Knockback when attacked by an enemy Use meat 4 "I suggest an Estral Steak for the hot-blooded guy!"
4 4 Adds 45% chance of Knockback when attacked by an enemy Use meat 4 "For the one wanting to be strongest, I suggest Char-Grilled Grumbird!"
5 5 Adds 50% chance of Knockback when attacked by an enemy Use meat 5 "Must search for the greatest meat..."
Field Skill Nopon Wisdom 1 1 Knowledge related to Nopon. Decode writing, speak Nopon, etc.
2 3 Speak to a Nopon 50 "For all the good it's done me, I think I understand the Nopon mind now."
3 5 Go to Rumbletum Canteen in Argentum and complete the quest "Hero of the Nopon" "I feel like I'm about to go on a whole new culinary journey!"
Salvaging Mastery 1 1 Knowledge related to salvaging
2 2 Speak to Boreas at the inn in Gormott to view the Heart-to-Heart "Boreas the Gourmand" "Far as I'm concerned, if it tastes good, it's food."
3 4 Increase Trust 3,800 "Cloud Sea's full of tasty stuff!"
Fleet of Foot 1 1 Move faster than the eye can see. Skill exclusive to Boreas
2 3 Increase Trust 1,300 "I learned something new! Want me to show you?"
3 5 Increase Trust 9,800 "You may refer to me as the Marquis of Mach Speed!"


  • Boreas is based off the Greek god Boreas, one of the four seasonal wind gods of the north wind and winter.
  • Boreas' English voice actor also voices Finch and Brighid, but they do not share Japanese voice actors.


Post-Battle Dialogue[]

Main Cast
Boreas Boreas "I'm starving! I wish Pyra'd cook something again."

Rex Rex "Mmm, me too! Hey, didn't we literally just eat?"

Nia Nia "I'd recommend not trying to eat these."

Boreas Boreas "What, why not? Can't I at least have a little taste?"

Tora Tora "Meh meh meh, that was good fight but a bit frustrating."

Boreas Boreas "It always feels that way. Don't worry Tora. You work hard, even you can be awesome like me one day."

Chapter 4 spoilers:

Brighid Brighid "Pray tell, which cake is best?"

Boreas Boreas "Cake is the best! Every one is a masterclass in delicious!"

Chapter 5 spoilers:

Pandoria Pandoria "Hey Boreas? I'm getting peckish here."

Boreas Boreas "Me too! Let's split some fried octomayo."

Rare Blades

Adenine Adenine "I have a question for you, Boreas. What's with those hands? They must be very soft."

Boreas Boreas "They're not hands. They look like hands, but actually, they're tongues."

Adenine Adenine "Ugh! So the other day, when you touched one of my books..."

Agate Agate "Boreas, I have to say, I'm seeing a lot of wasted energy in your movements. Maybe stop flailing so much."

Boreas Boreas "No, I'm fine."

Boreas Boreas "Electra, what does lightning taste like? Would it be nice in a cake?"

Electra Electra "Sorry, I've never tasted it before. But it's probably kinda horrible."

Floren Floren "You even think of hurting a flower, and I swear I will end you."

Boreas Boreas "Hey, hey Floren! Is that flower there good eatings?"

Boreas Boreas "Those sweets you made that time were delicious! Can I have some more, Gorg?"

Gorg Gorg "Boreas, you will always be the first to taste my new creations."

Boreas Boreas "Let's have an eating contest, Herald! I want to know who has the bigger appetite!"

Herald Herald "I will make do with a slice of bread."

Boreas Boreas "We sure burn some calories."

Boreas Boreas "Mmm, yummy Nim! Those mushrooms you picked are out of this world!"

Nim Nim "No, no no no, stop! Don't eat that! Those are poisonous!"

Boreas Boreas "My tummy's so empty after fighting. Theory, have you got any chow?"

Theory Theory "I do. But in return, can I touch your stomach? It looks so soft!"

Condition: Blade Quest Bearing Her Soul active or complete.
Boreas Boreas "Okay Ursula, give us your victory fanfare!"

Ursula Ursula "Huh, now? No, I can't, it's too much pressure!"

Boreas Boreas "I could eat Vess's dumplings all day, keep 'em coming please!"

Vess Vess "Please, give me a break! My right hand is almost going into spasms."

Boreas Boreas "Hey Wulfric! If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?"

Wulfric Wulfric "XL Ruska Noodle Stew. Double Armu meat. Extra Puri leaves."

Zenobia Zenobia "Gah! I just can't best your speed, Boreas!"

Boreas Boreas "The key is to go (gulp), and just swallow without chewing."

Zenobia Zenobia "Sorry, I'm not really into speed eating."

