Xenoblade Wiki
For Challenge Battle Enemies in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, see Challenge Battle Enemy (XC3).

List of enemies in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 which must be defeated during Challenge Battles.

Challenge Battle Wave Enemy Level
Grazing Flock 1 Mighty Bunnit x3 25
Lector Bunnit x2 26
2 Pekt Rapchor x3 26
Skopp Kapiba x2 27
3 Duff Anlood x2 27
Spoot Eks x2 28
Burgill Garaffa 29
4 Gostell Buloofo 30
5 Grassland Armu x2 30
Grassland Ardun 32
Pest Control 1 Bezille Caterpile 28
2 Bezille Caterpile x2 28
3 Bezille Caterpile x3 28
4 Farm Riik x3 30
5 Vattaud Riik 36
Think of the Soldiers 1 Ardainian Major 29
Ardainian Private x4 27
2 Ardainian Major 29
Ardainian Private x4 27
Ardainian Citadel 33
3 Ardainian Falz x2 32
4 Ardainian Nipper x4 26
Bomber Dolmes 35
Bewitching Dance 1 Azzale Blant 30
Syre Blant 33
2 Petal Flier x3 26
3 Teode Skeeter x3 28
4 Tygrelyle Plambus x3 35
Darkening Skies 1 Fumbol Peng x6 58
2 Moordre Quadwing x3 60
3 Bombeh Moramora x3 62
4 Blizzard Lexos 66
5 Sword Serprond 68
6 Chervil Squood 70
Sacred Wood 1 Regodos Totem 100
Temperantian Standoff 1 Baythe Eluca 60
Alyf Crog 70
Dett Aspar 80
Dread Contagion 1 Lucidran Guldo x6 56
2 Galottra Guldo x4 60
3 Infernal Guldo x2 63
Panic at the Seaside 1 Yogre Aligo x3 58
Beachhead Krabble x2 56
Beachhead Urchon x 53
2 Spoony Aligo x2 60
3 Yogre Alig x2 58
Spoony Aligo x2 60
4 Megayogre Aligo 63
5 Megaspoony Aligo 66
Tiger! Tiger! IRL 1 Woal Noss x5 53
2 Mynah Medooz x3 55
3 Bluth Aligo 56
Reddeth Aligo 58
4 Deep Serprond 60
5 Bighand Squood 62
Torna's Finest 1 Akhos 60
Patroka 58
2 Malos 64
Mikhail 62
Serious Showdown 1 Malos 64
Jin 64
Dino Drama 1 Goliath Sauros 110
2 Arpat Rapchor x5 96
Livid Upa 90
3 Nekkel Mammut x2 104
Livid Upa 90
4 Gigante Pterix x2 100
5 Livid Upa 90
Humanoid Alliance 1 Dayvol Symbol x2 90
Glorious Totem 90
Mob Tirkin 94
Gerbo Tirkin x2 98
Saranga Igna 100
Duran Igna x2 102
2 Acute Melvyn 99
Saranga Igna 100
Pavisse Tirkin 100
Duran Igna 102
Svelte Igna 104
3 Ryder Igna x2 108
4 Glorious Totem 90
Garlus Standard 90
Dayvol Symbol 90
Zext Garlus 104
Catanga Garlus 105
Ahaid Garlus x2 106
5 Mob Tirkin x2 94
Saranga Igna x2 100
Buggle Igna 101
Marching Tirkin 96
6 Atrocious Hermes 106
Runaway Train Bool 108
7 Undying Burwell 110
Demon King Gilbert 113
Major-General Barnaby 115
Chickenheart Challenge 1 Chickenheart Dagmara 120
Seeth Pippito x2 110
Bandette Pippito x9 100
Cloud King's Revenge 1 Cloud Sea King Ken 140
Reinventing the Gogol 1 Dyone Gogol x6 99
2 Desco Gogol x4 102
3 Volffmaster 110
Hunting Volff x4 95
4 Rhogulmaster 115
Hunting Rhogul x2 96
5 Immovable Heir Carlos 150
Mk. VIII 1 Gardidd Sovereign x6 95
2 Strategizer Nitro 200
Nitro Sovereign x4 96
3 Vanishing Sovereign x6 98
4 Decacent Sovereign 110
Cavalier Sovereign x2 106
5 True Rosa 120
Fiercest Faction 1 Gladiator Orion 100
Skyfist Remington 100
9th Imp. Armored Div. 1 Ardainian Rainier x5 99
Ardainian Muss 112
2 Ardainian Kurodil 130
3 Ardainian Sharper 104
Ardainian Drage x3 108
4 Ardainian Muss x2 112
Call the Exterminators 1 Garter Caterpile x6 58
2 Rook Arachno x6 56
3 Nesting Wisp x4 62
Lert Skeeter x4 55
4 Scheele Scorpox x2 60
5 Frond Gyanna x3 61
6 Scalpe Plambus x5 56
7 Rimigal Parisax x6 62
8 Lemles Parisax x4 66
9 Radom Parisax 68
Attack of the Aspar 1 Yackle Aspar 60
Titan Battleship Assault 1 Ardainian Private x84 46
Ardainian Major x3 48
Ardainian Major 52
Ardainian Nipper x6 44
Ardainian Falz x2 53
Ardainian Citadel x2 55
Rez Driver x2 51
This Year's Heropon 1 Falala 54
Shynono 55
Zuzu 56
Rumtumtum 57
Rurui 58
2 Lulili 55
Yamama 56
Simama 57
Tanini 58
Kawawa 59
Motata 60
3 Don Dondon 60
Umon 60
Tipitapi 60
Yumyum 62
4 Niranira 64
5 Nupopon 60
Napopon 61
Nipopon 62
Nopopon 63
6 Kupee 61
Popote 61
Mujiji 62
Nan 63
Koko 64
7 Mumutsu 50
Yoyotsu 51
Satsu 53
Jitsu 54
Gotsu 55
8 Tatsu 56
9 Zazadan 58
Hoko 60
Nopo'rikh 61
Gowago 62
Zukazu 64
10 Miko 57
Minana 59
Mefimefi 60
Migaga 61
Berryjammy 63
11 Leku 63
Gadada 64
Bana 65
Dobadoba 66
12 Riki 70
13 Monopon 99
Otherworldly Fighter 1 Elma 60
Elma: Redux 1 Elma 65
Poisoned Paradise 1 Cloud Sea Befouler Ioth 66