Xenoblade Wiki

Enraged (Japanese: 怒り, ikari, anger or hatred) is a recurrent enemy-exclusive buff in the Xenoblade Chronicles series.

Xenoblade Chronicles[]

It is comparable to the Crazed status from Xenoblade Chronicles.

Xenoblade Chronicles X[]

The Enraged status in Xenoblade Chronicles X increases the stats of the enemy under its effects, and may have bonus effects for certain species. The majority of enemy species can gain this buff when their Hit Points have been reduced to a low amount or an appendage has been destroyed. A few enemy species cannot become Enraged. The buff can wear off after enough time has passed.

When Enraged becomes active, the enemy will play a special animation before resuming its attacks. Enraged is marked by a unique particle effect on the enemy consisting of black ashes and red bolts of lightning rising around the enemy.

Enraged will not activate whilst the enemy is suffering from Launch, Knockback, Flinch, Stun, Stagger, Topple, Sleep, or Control.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Torna ~ The Golden Country[]

In Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Torna ~ The Golden Country, the Enraged status enhances the ability of the enemy under its effects (such as gaining boosts to stats, dealing more damage, gaining a counterspike, and more), and allows certain enemies to unleash stronger arts. The majority of enemy species can gain this buff when their Hit Points have been reduced to less than half, or after using a specific art. Kindred enemies might also enrage in response to others getting the status. Many enemies' element will change after becoming enraged.

A few stationary enemy species cannot become Enraged, such as Nests, Pods, Parisax Eggs and Standards. With the exception of special encounters such as bosses, some quest exclusive enemies and some Unique Monsters, most enemies below level 25 cannot become Enraged.

When the Enraged aura becomes active, a unique particle effect briefly surrounds the enemy consisting of red flames circling around the enemy. From version 1.5.0 onwards, a red pulsating icon will appear next to the enemy's name once it has become Enraged.

It can be dispelled by Corvin's Level 2 Blade Special Lacerna Noctis.

Rage Strikes[]

Exclusively on Bringer of Chaos difficulty, Enraged enemies may unleash a Rage Strike. This status effect powers up the first art used by the enemy after enraging, multiplying its damage by 300%.

Every time this powerful art connects with a party member, it will also drain the Party Gauge by half a bar segment (50 points). If an enemy is capable of enraging multiple times, then it can also use Rage Strikes multiple times per battle.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and Future Redeemed[]

XC3 Enraged 01

The Enraged icon on an enemy's HP gauge

In Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and Future Redeemed, enraged is a unique type of Stance that powerful enemies, such as Unique Monsters and Bosses, have access to. A special Enraged marker on their HP gauge, usually at half, marks where the enemy becomes Enraged. An Enraged enemy typically has increased attack power or attack speed, and depending on the species, may gain access to new Arts or have additional effects. Smash has the negative side effect of moving the marker up, allowing the enemy to become Enraged earlier. Burst deactivates Enraged for a certain amount of time.


  • Upon datamining the game, it was discovered that in Xenoblade Chronicles 3's "Very Hard" and Custom difficulties, a Rage Strike mechanic similar to the one present in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 would have been in place, and would have sealed the Chain Gauge.