Xenoblade Wiki

Lattice Leggings are medium legs armour in Xenoblade Chronicles.



NPC Area Affinity
Galdo Alcamoth 4

Enemy drops[]

Note: For any enemies listed with a 0% drop rate, the item can only be obtained using Yoink!

Enemy Area Rate
Flavel Andos Eryth Sea 33.3 %
Ciconia Ekidno Eryth Sea 17.4 %
Cumulus Danaemos Eryth Sea 17.4 %
Pelargos Ekidno Eryth Sea 17.4 %
Maleza Kromar Eryth Sea 14.9 %
Peeling Kircheis Eryth Sea 14.9 %
Tussock Kromar Eryth Sea 14.9 %
Cruz Pagul Eryth Sea 14.2 %
Lunar Grady Eryth Sea 14.2 %
Orluga Rufus High Entia Tomb 14.2 %
Proper Bandaz Eryth Sea 14.2 %
Funeral Gozra Eryth Sea 7.2 %
Pulse Orluga Eryth Sea 7.2 %
Tocos Orluga Eryth Sea 7.2 %
Confusion Ekidno (QE) Eryth Sea 0 %
Decay Ekidno (QE) Eryth Sea 0 %


For other armour pieces with the same appearance, see Armour Recognition.
Shulk Reyn Fiora Dunban
Pc016504 Pc026504 Pc030304 Pc046504
Sharla Riki Melia
Pc056504 Pc066504 Pc076504