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For those who have not completed games in the Xenoblade Chronicles series, this page contains spoilers regarding the plot. Discretion is advised. |
New Los Angeles (New LA, NLA; English dub: /ˈnjuː ˈlɔːs ˈændʒəlɪs/; Japanese: ニューロサンゼルス, Nyūrosanzerusu) is an important location in Xenoblade Chronicles X. It is the Habitat Unit of the White Whale, which detached and crash-landed on the surface of the planet Mira as the latter broke up in the atmosphere. It landed in Primordia region, still surrounded by the crystallized impact gel. It is comprised of 6 subregions, 4 of which are known as the city's districts.
It serves as the primary city of Humans living on Mira, and was modeled after the city of Los Angeles on Earth. Originally under construction during the White Whale's interstellar voyage, the hostile alien attack and subsequent crash-landing has left its infrastructure in an unfinished state. The city's four districts are located on raised platforms, with the bottom of the city containing impact gel to break anyone's fall.
Though initially only inhabited by humans, many xenoform races later immigrate to the city after allying with NLA's government. A large tower, the BLADE Tower, has a screen that either broadcasts briefings at the tower (usually by Maurice) or displays a percentage (originally 60%, decreases as the game progresses, reaching 5% by Chapter 12).
Points of interest[]

Map of New Los Angeles
New Los Angeles is divided into regions, themselves divided into landmarks. Each region has its own Segment Map.
Administrative District[]
- Main article: Administrative District
- Armory Alley
- BLADE Barracks
- BLADE Concourse
- BLADE Tower
- Division Drive
- East Gate
- Hangar
- Mimeosome Maintenance Center
- Restricted Hangar Entrance
- Yardley's Hideaway (unveiled during House of Cards)
Story Exclusive Area:
- NLA Last Defense Line (only during Chapter 8)
BLADE Barracks[]
- Main article: BLADE Barracks
Commercial District[]
- Main article: Commercial District (XCX)
- Barista Court
- East Melville Street
- Central Melville Street
- Nopon Bazaar
- North Founders Street
- West Melville Street
Industrial District[]
- Main article: Industrial District
- Repenta Diner
- Central Industrial District
- Integrated Production Plant
- Outfitters Test Hangar
- Professor B's Lab (unlocked during Mystery Man)
- West Gate
Residential District[]
- Main article: Residential District (XCX)
Ma-non Ship[]
- Main article: Ma-non Ship
Terminals and Shops[]
- Arms Manufacturers Terminal in Armory Alley
- Ewen Lewis
- L's Shop
- Lahan's Shop
Bolded NPCs are BLADE members who can join the party if Cross asks them to (some may require completion of a certain mission first).
Administrative District[]
- Aalis
- Ackwar
- Adelbert
- Arwae
- Bart (after completing The Repair Job)
- Bates
- Byron
- Camber
- Carl
- Cedric
- Christopher
- Clemons
- Corwin
- Dana
- Dirk
- Doug
- Eleonora
- Fozimure
- Fritz
- Gigio
- Giogion
- Giotto
- Go Sirho
- Grette
- Gu Ladha
- Gus
- Gwin
- H.B.
- Han'barac
- Inisae
- Irina
- Jeffrey
- Julius
- Kan'tonam
- Kent D. Carr
- Kiefer Cole
- Kirsty
- L
- Lao
- Lara Nara
- Lara Mara
- Lebora Jargi
- Leland Cole
- Marcus
- Mathias
- Maurice
- May (after completing Mayhem)
- Mika
- Moimoi
- Mondo
- Monica
- Muimui
- Murderess
- Nagi
- Nathan
- Nelly
- Nopopon
- Orton
- Otis
- Paqu Qadossi
- Percilla
- Peter
- Phina
- Quincy
- Raleigh
- Regina
- Rutantan
- Saiden
- Sara-Ariel
- Sarona
- Satie
- Sherry
- Slovity Pagus
- Solan
- Sostenasa
- Stella
- Suriella
- Tauler
- Thomas
- Transport Pilot
- Trevor
- Trigo Bamboth
- Tutura
- Vandham
- Vera
- Walter
- Wang
- Wolf
- Yin'tonam
- Yolanda
- Yusof
BLADE Barracks[]
Commercial District[]
- Adappin
- Alesa
- Alex
- Beats
- Berry
- Bodada
- Bozé
- Bubu
- Camilla
- Cheche
- Chiopitus
- Chiroro
- Christopher
- Coco
- Dana
- Dart
- Dirk
- Dorothy
- Erio
- Felice
- Gerome
- Gina
- Go Sirho
- Han'barac
- HT665: Erio
- Jejebba
- Jim
- Jo
- Julius
- Justin
- Kaisis
- Lavina Couba
- Liviana
- Loma
- Maxim
- Meg
- Moorehouse
- Nan
- Nastasha
- Ni Zain
- Ngogo
- Oliver
- Omari
- Panyar
- Pauline
- Pirapira
- Popote
- Powell
- Quentin
- Reggie
- Shallot
- Shingo
- Shiraton
- Suriella
- Tora
- Tracey
- Transport Pilot
- Veverta
- Victoria
- Walolo
- Warawa
- Wersal
- Yelv
- Zo Langra
- Zo Zazhi
Industrial District[]
- Alan
- Alexa
- Anna
- Arsenican
- Atheron
- Avi
- Bernat
- The Blood Lobster (only during Rise of the Blood Lobster)
- Brenna
- Celica
- Ciska
- Conichien
- Dalton
- Dazbeno
- De Ezich
- Enrai
- Frye
- Gi Ziorde
- Gi Ziordo
- Horonalderon
- Howard
- Hugo
- Isobe
- Jajanni
- Jubietta
- Kan'tonam
- Liza
- Lonlon
- Lucy
- Lulladu
- Matthew
- Moimoi
- Nauzo Snagi
- Nococche
- Non'barac
- Phoskeran
- Pisa
- Professor B
- Robert
- Rock
- Roscoe
- Roselle
- Ryo
- Samanya
- San'luarb
- Sullivan
- Tan'celeg
- Thea Falsaxum
- Tika
- Trachlo Lythren
- Transport Pilot
- Veven
- Yardley
- Yin'tonam
- Zeedoy
- Zo Ozuchi
Residential District[]
- Ada
- Ajoa
- Alice
- Chanty
- Charles
- Eliza
- Erio
- Fosdyke
- Fraisie
- Hope
- Ian
- Jalimbo
- Joy
- Kon'luarb
- Kun'luarb
- Lucia
- Lyvia
- Malyteth
- Min'barac
- Mon'barac
- Naza Tenpanzi
- On'tonam
- Ornella
- Pepper
- Phog
- Phoskeran
- Prea Slarth
- Pulala
- Quentin
- Regina (after completing Booming Business)
- Rosie
- Shinshin
- Staccata
- Suriella (after completing Chapter 5)
- Ton'barac
- Transport Pilot
- Wendy
- Wilbur
- Yun'tonam
Ma-non Ship[]
- Aganeba
- Auld Belgazus
- Bazis Wolfen
- Bihabba
- Capsica
- De Zing
- Duna Valdileo
- Enneana Spicar
- Feloran
- Gi Nagri
- Go Rogan
- Hala Gorida
- Heptana Logur
- Heradot
- Hexuna Nebra
- Jajanni
- Jeshero
- Kon'luarb
- Kopopo
- Lavina Couba
- Liana Valdileo
- May May
- Mia
- Mikkal
- Min'barac
- Mon'barac
- Nan'celeg
- Nemard Wolfen
- Nen'celeg
- Neraph
- Ni Gombe
- Nimu Turton
- Noborata
- Oche Wolfen
- Oll Valdileo
- On'tonam
- Onze Vilgabo
- Pfeffen
- Rada Valdileo
- Sajif Scoppio
- Selia Salbagath
- Sen'luarb
- Sevvy Belgazus
- Sin'luarb
- Sun'barac
- Ten'celeg
- Thea Pilattis
- Tikotiko
- Troylan
- Uzoma Vassago
- Vera
- Vio Penga
- Vyponne
- Wazdo Tygant
- Wikaye
- Yuyu
- Zarch Quokett
- Zurranik
Mission Exclusive Enemies[]
Story Exclusive Enemies[]
- Assault Pugilith
- Beryllium Oc-serv
- Drone Knight Quo
- Marnuck Gatling
- Marnuck Ruffian
- Marnuck Soldier
- Palace Knight Qmoeva
- Prone Commander
- Prone Warrior
- Revolver Owl Galdr
- Strike Puge
- Suppressor Knight Qmoeva
- Talon Knight Qmoeva

A rough sketch of New Tokyo found in the Japanese art book
- Originally, the home base/civilization was intended to be New Tokyo, however it was cut for New Los Angeles.
- There is a shop called "Lahan's", a possible reference to Lahan Village from Xenogears.
- Another shop is called "Ewen Lewis", a possible reference to real life British department store, John Lewis.
- Several landmarks allude to Moby Dick, such as Ishmael Hills.