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Newt (Japanese: ニューツ, Nyūtsu) is a Rare Blade in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. She can grant tremendous power to her Drivers, Rex, Nia, Zeke or Mòrag, and their allies. Newt uses the fire element, wields a Chroma Katana, and acts as a Tank in battle.

Newt was designed by Takeshi Nogami, creator of the Africa Doujinshi manga series.


Newt loves to fight and is incredibly excited about Titan weapons and the army of the Empire of Mor Ardain.


Newt is a young woman with grayish-green skin, red eyes, short spiky hair, a military hat with a large eye on the back, and black, oval-framed glasses. She is incredibly muscular and strong whilst retaining a stereotypical female build. She wears black thigh-high boot with fire coming from the top, a green military jacket that only covers her arms and shoulders, and underwear resembling a bikini covering a minor amount of her torso.

Newt also has two floating, gloved, massive muscular arms that have flames bursting from the shoulders. She uses them to wield her flaming katana in battle, and they can even be used to provide a convenient place for her to sit. Her core crystal is blue and circular.

Heart-to-heart and Blade Quest[]

Newt Recruits

Newt during Newt Recruits

Newt's Heart-to-heart, "Mad About Titan Weapons", takes place in Hardhaigh Palace between Newt and her Driver. Newt sees a particularly exciting Titan Battleship and begins spieling off information about Titan weapons and how they fascinate her, much to her Driver's bemusement.

Newt's Blade Quest, Newt Recruits, starts in the Torigoth Relay Base in Gormott Province. Newt challenges the Ardainian soldiers present to a fight, which she wins, destroying a Titan weapon in the process. She is forced to salvage for parts to repair the Titan, and then fights off a Ship-Eating Taos to protect it. Upon heading to the Palace to make a report she fights off a group of assassins, gaining her gratitude from Niall.


Blade Specials[]

  • Lv.1 - Flaming Slashwave - Change ether into flaming slashes that shoot out ahead.
  • Lv.2 - Immolating Cleave - Wrap the Chroma Katana in flames and cut enemies ahead in two.
  • Lv.3 - Extreme Gutsy Spirit - After dealing a series of violent punches, cut enemies in two.
  • Lv.4 - Going Ballistic - Attack with a series of cuts, then an explosion with ether from the scabbard.

Blade Arts[]

Battle Skills[]

  • Tranquil Guard - Chance to prevent reactions to enemy Driver Combos.
  • Last Line of Defense - Reduces damage from enemies within a 5m radius.
  • Flowers of War - Increases aggro drawn from auto-attacks.

Field Skills[]

  • Superstrength - Lv. 3
  • Salvaging Mastery - Lv. 3
  • Titan Weapon Wisdom - Lv. 3 (Skill exclusive to Newt)

Favorite Items[]

Affinity Chart[]

Type Name Skill Level Affinity Level Effect Prerequisite Count Flavor Text
Key Affinity Reward 1 1 Unlocks level 1 of the Affinity Chart.
2 2 Unlocks level 2 of the Affinity Chart. Increase Trust 100 "I'm very confident in my strength."
3 3 Unlocks level 3 of the Affinity Chart. Increase Trust 1300 "I can still grow even stronger!"
4 4 Unlocks level 4 of the Affinity Chart. Increase Trust 3800 "It makes me happy to fight alongside you."
5 5 Unlocks level 5 of the Affinity Chart. Affinity bond will be easier to sustain. Increase Trust 9,800 "I'll strike down anything and everything that stands in our way!"
Blade Special Flaming Slashwave 1 1 Increases aggro drawn from Specials by 60%
2 2 Increases aggro drawn from Specials by 70% Use Flaming Slashwave 10 "What do you think of my battle technique? I think I'm on pretty good form!"
3 3 Increases aggro drawn from Specials by 80% Perform a Driver Combo (Its enough to just be present.) 7 "I'm confident in my own power, too. Do you want to try me?"
4 4 Increases aggro drawn from Specials by 90% Defeat a Margot Sovereign at the World Tree 4 "I want to analyze these Margot Sovereigns... But I can't if you keep destroying them so thoroughly!"
5 5 Increases aggro drawn from Specials by 100% At the World Tree, defeat Haywire Kustal "This Haywire Kustal fellow seems ripe for some in-depth analysis! Just don't go destroying - ahhhh..."
Immolating Cleave 1 1 Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 100%
2 2 Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 110% Use Immolating Cleave 7 "The way I executed that technique...Perhaps power isn't my only strong suit."
3 3 Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 120% Defeat a Mayn Eluca in Leftheria 5 "I won't be outmatched by anyone when it comes to sheer strength!"
4 4 Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 130% Perform a Driver Combo (Its enough to just be present.) 10 "Power is definitely a strength of mine."
5 5 Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 150% Defeat Rapturous Scandia "That Rapturous Scandia makes an excellent sparring partner!"
Extreme Gutsy Spirit 1 1 Adds a 60% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack.
2 2 Adds a 70% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack. Perform a Driver Combo (Its enough to just be present.) 5 "I should follow your example."
3 3 Adds a 80% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack. Use Extreme Gutsy Spirit 6 "Nobody can stop me now!"
4 4 Adds a 90% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack. Defeat a Spirit Lexos at the World Tree 4 "I would never lose in a test of strength. Come at me as hard as you like!"
5 5 Adds a 100% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack. Use Extreme Gutsy Spirit 8 "This power... it's such a rush! Don't you think so?"
Battle Skill Tranquil Guard 1 1 Adds 30% chance to prevent reactions to enemy Driver Combos
2 2 Adds 40% chance to prevent reactions to enemy Driver Combos Perform a Blade Combo 5 "Let me show you my strength."
3 3 Adds 50% chance to prevent reactions to enemy Driver Combos Perform a Blade Combo. 7 "There's just no stopping me."
4 4 Adds 60% chance to prevent reactions to enemy Driver Combos Perform a Blade Combo. 10 "I can handle a support role, too!"
5 5 Adds 70% chance to prevent reactions to enemy Driver Combos Perform a Blade Combo finisher. 3 "For my platoon, victory is a foregone conclusion!"
Last Line of Defense 1 1 Reduces damage from enemies within a 5m radius by 20%
2 2 Reduces damage from enemies within a 5m radius by 25% Block an attack 5 "Leave the defensive maneuvers to me!"
3 3 Reduces damage from enemies within a 5m radius by 30% Block an attack 7 "I'll protect you from that."
4 4 Reduces damage from enemies within a 5m radius by 35% Block an attack 9 "I'm confident in my support abilities!"
5 5 Reduces damage from enemies within a 5m radius by 40% Block an attack 10 "You can always count on me."
Flowers of War 1 1 Increases aggro drawn from auto-attacks by 30% Perform a Blade Combo 2 "Happy to report, I've got new powers! Looking forward to a demonstration? I won't disappoint!"
2 2 Increases aggro drawn from auto-attacks by 35% Deal a certain amount of total damage 8,000 "That's just a small taste of my power."
3 3 Increases aggro drawn from auto-attacks by 40% Deal a certain amount of total damage 16,000 "Hahahah! Now we're talking!"
4 4 Increases aggro drawn from auto-attacks by 45% Deal a certain amount of total damage 32,000 "If we keep up this pace, there's no telling the heights we'll reach!"
5 5 Increases aggro drawn from auto-attacks by 50% Deal a certain amount of total damage 48,000 "There's no obstacle I can't crush!"
Field Skill Superstrength 1 1 Extraordinary physical strength. Used to break things, lift them up, etc
2 3 Go to Torigoth Relay Base in Gormott and complete the quest "Newt Recruits" "I pledge my allegiance to the Emperor! And to my Driver! I'll do everything in my power to serve both!"
3 5 Use Newt's favorite pouch items (Meat category) 4 "Eating meat fills me with energy!"
Salvaging Mastery 1 1 Knowledge related to salvaging Acquire Mechanical items from the Collectibles list 5 "You know, self, you gotta make yourself useful off the battlefield too!"
2 3 Acquire Treasure items through salvaging 7 "Can you find any items relating to Titan weapons, perhaps?"
3 4 Acquire Mechanical items from the Collectibles list 30 "I'm honored to be of help."
Titan Weapon Wisdom 1 1 Deep knowledge of Titan weapons. Skill exclusive to Newt
2 3 In a place with boats in Mor Ardain, view the Heart-to-Heart "Mad About Titan Weapons" "With cutting-edge Ardainian combat vessels right in front of me, how could I not be thrilled beyond belief?!"
3 5 Acquire Treasure items through salvaging 10 "My passion for Titan weapons only grows deeper the more I learn!"


Post-Battle Dialogue[]

Main Cast
Newt Newt "Job well done, Rex! As the Aegis Driver, you must be exhausted. How 'bout a backrub?"

Rex Rex "Um, which hands... were you planning to use?"

Chapter 7 spoilers:

Nia Nia (Ch 7 Form) "Say Newt, how do you even move your arms?"

Newt Newt "I'm so glad you asked! Now just give me six hours and I will explain properly."

Newt Newt "To me, that was the most me fighting I've done in ages! Or rather, as me as it gets for me."

Tora Tora "Newt sure talk about herself a lot."

Chapter 4 spoilers:

Newt Newt "Lady Mòrag, please share with me the secret of your overwhelming power!"

Mòrag Mòrag "I'm afraid I have no hidden arts to teach you. I live to fulfill what is needed of me, nothing more."

Rare Blades

Newt Newt "Hey Adenine! How about we ask Lady Mòrag to give us a tour of a Titan Battleship's bridge?"

Adenine Adenine "What a brilliant idea, I'd love to go! In fact, let's go this instant!"

Dagas Dagas "You make a passable bodyguard, Newt."

Newt Newt "Master Dagas, flattered as I am, my chief duty is to guard my Driver."

Newt Newt "Even though our fighting styles are like fire and water, Dahlia, we made quite the team in this skirmish."

Dahlia Dahlia "Lemme correct you there, hon. We're as different as chalk and cheese."

Newt Newt "Delicious! But it also made me... sad?"

Newt Newt "Milord General Gorg, standing by for your command!"

Gorg Gorg "Newt, wait 'til the next battle. And quit being so formal!"

Newt Newt "Herald, if we fight side-by-side, we can easily take on a whole army!"

Herald Herald "You are mistaken. It would be quicker to dispatch them myself."

Newt Newt "Madam KOS-MOS, you look so dainty, but your power matches o-or even exceeds that of my own! Could it be because of... your favorite curry?"

KOS-MOS KOS-MOS "No comment."

Nim Nim "Kit, Sunny, whatever you do, don't lose to that Blade with the big arms in the next battle, okay?"

Newt Newt "Huh? Why so hostile, Nim?"

Perun Perun "Say Newt, I just realized. You've got such big arms, why use a sword and not just punch our foes?"

Newt Newt "S-so you noticed, Madam Perun. I-it's because punching is too basic, swordplay feels much more romantic."

Newt Newt "Sheba, you have seen my strength. Surely there is room in your entourage for one such as me?"

Sheba Sheba "Not with your boorish nature. One must be refined and dignified."

Newt Newt "W-what now? But... but see, look how refined my biceps are. I urge you to reconsider."

Condition: Blade Quest Theory and Praxis active or complete.
Newt Newt "Having been appointed by your sister to be your tutor, I, Newt, will now batter you into shape."

Theory Theory "That won't be... necessary, I think."

Newt Newt "Master Wulfric, we must spar again sometime."

Wulfric Wulfric "Agreed. Let's wrestle! Soon."

Newt Newt "Zenobia, you're a warrior too. Wouldn't you rather wear a more formal outfit, like me?"

Zenobia Zenobia "It's much easier to fight this way. And change the way I dress? You're one to talk."

