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Perrine (Japanese: パイラル, Pairaru) is a Homs in Xenoblade Chronicles. She can be found in the Weapon Development Lab in Colony 9 at night. In Colony 6, she can be found at the building with a terrace, near the Main Entrance or northeast of the lake.

Inviting to Colony 6[]


  • Dean (Only if she stays in Colony 9, green link)
  • Werner (Only if she emigrates to Colony 6, yellow link)
  • Jer'ell (Only if she emigrates to Colony 6, green link)
  • Norara (Only if she emigrates to Colony 6, green link)

Trade (Colony 9)[]

Item Affinity Value
Broken Part L 1
Prototype Greaves (0 slots) ☆2
Plate Snow ☆3
Recovery Up I ☆3
Laughing Brog Bag ☆4
Recovery Up II ☆5
Sky Jewel Overtrade +8,320 G

Trade (Colony 6)[]

Item Affinity Value
Alpine Spear (1 slot) 1
Spike Defence III ☆3
Crystal Antol Eye ☆3
Spike Defence IV ☆4
Grand Boots (0 slots) ☆4
Upgraded Frame ☆5
Black Vang Fang Overtrade +920 G


