Xenoblade Wiki

Shell Leggings are medium legs armour in Xenoblade Chronicles. They can be obtained as various quest rewards. They are made with hard shells from Eryth Sea.


Quest Rewards[]

One slot

Enemy drops[]

One slot

Enemy Area Rate
Cumulus Danaemos Eryth Sea 23.1 %
Confusion Ekidno (QE) Eryth Sea 18.5 %
Decay Ekidno (QE) Eryth Sea 18.5 %
Ciconia Ekidno Eryth Sea 17.3 %
Pelargos Ekidno Eryth Sea 17.3 %
Peeling Kircheis Eryth Sea 7.8 %
Pillager Hode (QE) Eryth Sea 7 %
Flutes Kromar Eryth Sea 6.9 %
Otol Kromar Eryth Sea 6.9 %
Defensive Kromar (SE) Eryth Sea 6.7 %
Tarifa Hode Eryth Sea 6.6 %
Unine Hode Eryth Sea 6.6 %
Flavel Andos Eryth Sea 6.3 %
Maleza Kromar Eryth Sea 5.9 %
Tussock Kromar Eryth Sea 5.9 %
Flabbergasted Jerome Eryth Sea 5.1 %
Bono Nebula Eryth Sea 3.8 %
Buono Nebula Eryth Sea 3.8 %

No slots

Enemy Area Rate
Perna Eluca Eryth Sea 6.6 %


For other armour pieces with the same appearance, see Armour Recognition.
Shulk Reyn Fiora Dunban
Pc015304 Pc025304 Pc030304 Pc045304
Sharla Riki Melia
Pc055304 Pc065304 Pc075304