Xenoblade Wiki

Slick Kromar Stone (Japanese: スピカル族の鍛え石, Supikaru-zoku no Kitae Ishi) are rare materials in Xenoblade Chronicles. They can be dropped by some Kromars in the Eryth Sea. According to their description, they are stones that have been treated so much that they could easily break apart. Two are required for the reconstruction of Colony 6. In Definitive Edition, they can be purchased in Time Attack place from Nopon Archsage for 2,100 Noponstones.

Needed for[]



NPC Area Affinity
Yura Alcamoth 2
Miriall Eryth Sea Overtrade

Enemy drops[]

Enemy Area Rate
Defensive Kromar (SE) Eryth Sea 100 %
Peeling Kircheis Eryth Sea 69.0 %
Flutes Kromar Eryth Sea 26.3 %
Maleza Kromar Eryth Sea 26.3 %
Otol Kromar Eryth Sea 26.3 %
Tussock Kromar Eryth Sea 26.3 %