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The Heavens Open (Japanese: 天門開闔) is Herald's Level II Blade Special in Xenoblade Chronicles 2.


Skill Level Prerequisite Count Dmg Ratio Effect
1 Innate 400 Adds a 60% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack
2 Use The Heavens Open 7 460 Adds a 70% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack
3 Use The Heavens Open 8 520 Adds a 80% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack
4 Use The Heavens Open 9 580 Adds a 90% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack
5 Go to the Royal Audience Hall in Tantal and complete the quest The Calm and the Storm 640 Adds a 100% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack
5, Max Affinity - 696