For those who have not completed games in the Xenoblade Chronicles series, this page contains spoilers regarding the plot. Discretion is advised. |
Topple is a status in Xenoblade Chronicles and Future Connected. It causes a targeted enemy to fall down and removes its resistance to Daze. When a target is down, it cannot dodge and thus all attacks against it have 100% accuracy. Furthermore, against a toppled target, critical damage is increased by 25% and all ether attacks will always land critical hits. When hit with a topple art, an enemy will remain toppled for three seconds; if hit with another topple art within that time, the time will be extended. Arts that inflict topple are colored green. Some enemies have a topple spike, which damages or debuffs party members that attack the enemy while it is toppled.
- All Mechon, including Faced Mechon, have a 50% longer topple duration (i.e. 4.5 seconds).
- Some end-game enemies such as the Superbosses have a 50% shorter topple duration (i.e. 1.5 seconds).
- The duration of a topple on an enemy stacks with every topple art applied. Through a strategy usually referred to as "topple locking," a player can keep an enemy toppled for an entire battle.
- Wild Down (Reyn, inflicts Topple if target is suffering Break)
- Starlight Kick (Melia, forces Topple if used after Spear Break)
- Steel Strike (Dunban, inflicts Topple if target is suffering Break)
- Demon Slayer (Dunban, forces Topple on surrounding enemies if used as a finishing blow against another enemy)
- Monado Cyclone (Shulk, inflicts Topple to all enemies suffering Break within range)
- Roly-Poly (Riki, 30% chance of forcing Topple on the target, inflicts Bind otherwise)
- Final Cross (Fiora. 4-hit combo in a frontal cone, forces Topple on 4th hit)
- Mild Down(Nene, inflicts Topple if target is suffering Break) (FC)
Enemies (by Art name)[]
Ankle Bite[]
- Admiral Arachno
- Captain Arachno
- Daughter Empress
- Devoted Arachno
- Director Arachno
- Director Arachno
- General Arachno
- Greedy Arachno
- Jada Arachno
- Jadals Arachno
- Leg Arachno
- Mysterious Barnaby
- Officer Arachno
- Panasowa Arachno
- Plump Sprahda
- Resolute Arachno
- Soldier Arachno
- Vilae Arachno
- Worker Arachno
- Zealous Arachno
Annihilation V[]
Beat Sickle[]
Big Down Swipe[]
- Arrogant Tirkin
- Banquet Vassago
- Brave Tirkin
- Cunning Chilkin
- Field Altrich
- Fuchsia Chilkin
- Javelin Tirkin
Big Spin[]
Bison Rampage III[]
Carapaia Tail[]
Chaos Dash[]
Crazy Dance III[]
Dead Slash[]
- Beautiful Vagul
- Broken Mechon
- Experienced Tristan
- Fate Labolas
- M54 Armoured Unit
- M54 Attack Unit
- M56 Prototype
- M58 Tactical Unit
- M59 Captain
- Mechon M53
- Mechon M53X
- Mechon M53X
- Mechon M53X
- Mechon M53X
- Mechon M55
- Mechon M55
- Mild Florence
Dive Attack[]
- Abnormal Brog
- Big Brog
- Bizarre Ragoel
- Detox Brog
- Eryth Rhana
- Gluttonous Eugen
- Heavy Brog
- Lurker Brog
- Makna Brog
- Noble Brog
- Poison Brog
- Vicious Rhana
- White Eduardo
- Young Brog
Dive Impact[]
Dive Impact III[]
Down Kick[]
Ether Smash II[]
Hard Push[]
- Ammos Orluga
- Arena Orluga
- Funeral Gozra
- Obsessive Galgaron
- Orluga Rufus
- Orluga Rufus
- Sabulum Orluga
- Tocos Orluga
Hard Spin II[]
Killer Sky[]
- Aora Telethia
- Aora Telethia
- Dark King Barbarus
- Drakos Telethia
- Polkan Telethia
- Sureny Telethia
- Telethia Kaelin
King Breaker[]
Knock-Down Spin[]
- Acid Upa
- Affluent Beleth
- Colony Lizard
- Colony Upa
- Dorsiar Lizard
- Itmos Upa
- Leg Lizard
- Mad Upa
- Mell Lizard
- Prado Upa
- Tephra Lizard
- Vengeful Daulton
- Wallslide Gwynry
- Water Upa
- Woeful Upa
Lower Chainsaw[]
- Experimental M86
- Glorious Jurom
- Lightning Ronove
- M82X Melee Unit
- M85 Meteor Artillery
- M85 Sergeant
- M88 Watchtower
- Mechon M82
- Mechon M84
- Sinful Lamorak
- Wrathful Orobas
Mechonis Buster[]
Monado Left[]
- Asara Telethia
- Asara Telethia
- Deadly Medorlo
- Furious Jozan
- Licorne Telethia
- Solidum Telethia
- Telethia Donnis
- Telethia Vol'aren
- Vivid Anstan
Scissor Jaws[]
- Aura Antol
- Basin Antol
- Clinger Antol
- Ent Antol
- Flamme Antol
- Leg Antol
- Lubum Antol
- Makna Antol
- Powerful Eligos
- Prairie Antol
- Ravine Antol
- Red Antol
- Rius Antol
- Roguish Frengel
- Yellow Antol
Shield Bash[]
Side Swing[]
- Amorous Arca
- Destructive Bors
- Evil Bathin
- Faithful Lancelot
- Glacier Acon
- M63 Destruction Unit
- M63X Android Unit
- M66 Production Unit
- M68 Construction Unit
- M87 Prototype
- Mechon M64
- Mechon M64 Armour+
- Mechon M64X
- Mechon M64X
- Mechon M67
- Mechon M67
- Mechon M69X
- Precious Retrato
- Prudent Purson
- Revolutionary Bifrons
Spiral Attack II[]
Spiral Kick[]
Sumo Stomp[]
Super Spin[]
Swing Beat[]
- Mass-Produced Face (Agniratha)
- Mass-Produced Face (Central Factory)
- Spirit - Xord
- Temporal Gawain
- Xord
Tail Gore[]
Tail Strike[]
Art name is a tentative translation. The official English name is currently unknown.
Topple Upper[]
Tornado Spin[]
Tripping Rush[]
- Chloro Laia
- Eques Skyray
- Lophos Moramora
- Masterful Gigapur
- Monta Moramora
- Newgate Laia
- Skyray
- Tempestuous Edegia