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Vantya is an NPC in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. She is an Urayan Driver who can be found in the Indoline Praetorium alongside her male Common Blade.


Before event "The Rulers' Congress" (Chapter 6):

"I heard that the streets of Indol are as beautiful as a work of art. I'm here from Uraya for sightseeing. The Sanctum is majestic and the streets are laid out beautifully... But the refugee camp... Well, I suppose there's not much that can be done about it... Despite all the help they get, they still say they're against Blades? Perhaps they should consider moving on then."

After event "Fan's Funeral" (Chapter 6), through the end of Chapter 7:

"Sure is a good thing my Blade's so powerful! The other day my Blade found a poor sod who'd fallen onto Indol's back. She was from the refugee camp, said she didn't want any help from a Blade. Got quite angry... But we couldn't just leave her there like that, so we had to manhandle her out of there!"

Chapter 8, before Indol becomes inaccessible:

"Probably about time I was heading back to Uraya. I've done plenty of sightseeing. My Blade's saying something bad's in the air. It's creeping me out. Maybe it's something and nothing, but I've seen enough for now, so it's a good enough time to be off home."

